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5 reasons why investing in design can be a game-changer for your business

With so many free tools that allow the creation of graphic pieces, social media art, and even logos, you might ask yourself: is it still worth investing in design?

This is a controversial issue and involves several factors. It is necessary to understand that free tools like Canva are great and offer a range of possibilities that are much more accessible to small business owners and freelancers. Even graphic designers can use it in some projects. It is not uncommon for us in the studio to produce editable pieces in these programs already used by our clients, as it greatly facilitates things if they need or prefer to do it themselves.

However, these tools alone could never replace the work of a professional, especially when it comes to more complex projects, such as visual identities and branding strategies.

Let's understand why:

1. Designers are professionals

It seems obvious, but it's not. Unlike doctors, lawyers, or teachers, for many, a designer’s work is still something abstract and, therefore, easy. However, behind every project, there is a methodology and a process composed of several stages until the ideal result is achieved. After all, simplicity is complex.

Machines and tools do not have this set of technical and artistic knowledge, and even if your logo has an aesthetically pleasing result, it will not fully meet the needs of your brand, strategically speaking.

2. Good design solves current problems and avoids future headaches

Every design project involves a series of problems to be solved: the brand does not reach the target audience, cannot convert customers, its positioning needs to be clearer, etc. The designer's role goes beyond creating solutions for these current problems; they must think outside the box and define a proposal that helps the client avoid possible future problems. Like a crystal ball kinda thing.

In other words, the designer has a wealth of knowledge that allows them to detect possible challenges in the client/user's life, like an idea that is not sustainable in the long run or a graphic application problem that should not exist.

The fact is that strategic vision has not yet been replaced by machines or automated tools.

3. Great design makes great brands

Have you ever seen a brand so unique you still think about it from time to time? That’s great design.

A creative and functional project helps your company stand out in the market and stick into your customers’ minds.

4. Brands are made for people by people

In an increasingly digital world, sometimes we forget that end-users will always be people. And, as marketing gurus have repeated so many times on Instagram, people connect with people.

An automatic, robotic solution may be functional, but it will never connect with your customer deeply. That emotional bond that all brands seek with their consumers? Forget it.

5. Organizations that understand the importance of design experience higher financial gains

In 2018, a study from McKinsey showed that companies that value good design earn more money than those that don't. On average, these businesses outperform their competitors by 56% who do not prioritize good design. Thus, the results showed that investing in good design is, in fact, a good business decision.

Many wonder if AI would be able to replace creative professionals, including designers.

We believe not.

A designer does not just create art or devise strategies: we tell stories. Listening to and understanding the client, with empathy and attention, is the most important part of a project, and it’s crucial for a good outcome. It is this very human part that allows us to translate these stories into visual communication projects that touch other humans and create true connections.

© 2024 created with <3 by Anna Ogoshi

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