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How does Gen Z interact with brands?

Gen Z's impact on consumer behavior, both online and offline, is undeniable. Marketing should never be just about selling products. And they know that.

According to Business Insider, in 2020 Gen Zers already accounted for about 40% of global consumers and had a spending power of $143 billion. Furthermore, they are also the majority in the digital community, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

But what makes Gen Z fall in love with a brand?

Authenticity is key

One of the things Gen Z values ​​most is authenticity and transparency. With so much access to information since birth, they can easily discern genuine from contrived content. Therefore, staying true to your brand's identity is crucial.

Gen Z craves novelty and fresh perspectives. Your brand should stand out organically without resorting to falsehoods.

It’s a match!

Connection is pivotal for Gen Z, not just in personal relationships but also in consumer-brand interactions. They often seek the human side of companies. For them, it is crucial to know whether the values ​​of the brands they consume are aligned with their own. Everything you consume is also a part of who you are. Take advantage of social media to tell your brand's story creatively and generate fun, engaging content that resonates with this new audience.

Inclusivity and diversity are not optional

Are you familiar with Rare Beauty, the cosmetics brand founded by Selena Gomez? It has garnered immense popularity and discussion on social media, making it one of the most consumed beauty brands. One of its notable features is its inclusive packaging design, which accommodates people with mobility challenges.

This serves as a powerful example of how inclusion has evolved from a mere concept to a necessity in today's business landscape. Incorporating inclusivity into daily operations is not just a trend; it is a value highly prized by Gen Z and should be embraced by all companies seeking relevance and resonance with this demographic.

Build a community

The most efficient way to guarantee your business’ success is by building a community of engaged customers. Gen Z individuals, in particular, appreciate being part of a collective, yearning for a sense of belonging. A strategy you can use here is leveraging user-generated content. By harnessing UGC, you not only secure authentic, top-notch videos to promote your products and services organically but also create a meaningful way to engage with your audience, making them feel valued and acknowledged.

As the market evolves, businesses that are capable of effectively connecting with Gen Z will be the ones to flourish in the future. Meaningful and impactful interactions enable businesses to develop enduring relationships with Gen Z, leading to increased sales and fostering brand loyalty over time.

© 2024 created with <3 by Anna Ogoshi

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