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5 signs your business needs to rebrand

So, you think you need a rebrand.

Eventually, every company needs to rebrand, even the most successful ones. While rebranding isn't inherently negative, it's a decision that requires careful consideration, especially because you'll need to invest a significant amount of time and resources. Before jumping straight into a rebranding, it's essential to identify key indicators that suggest your business could benefit from one.

How do you know if you need a rebrand?

1. Your branding strategy never actually translated your business’ voice

Perhaps you were inexperienced when you started your company and didn’t know you needed a brand identity or you actually hired someone to do it but it still doesn’t seem to match your brand’s mood. Either way, now you feel like your company is growing (yay!), but the message it’s conveying is confusing or simply off-track.

A compelling story paired with strategic, creative design can do wonders for a brand. However, if you already have one, it might be time to reassess what you want to communicate. Ensuring that your brand attracts the right customers and conveys the intended message is crucial. If it's falling short in these aspects, then it’s time for a rebrand!

2. Your brand is outdated

The market has changed, the customers have changed, but your brand stays the same. Why is that?

Staying updated doesn't require following every single trend (especially with platforms like TikTok where trends change rapidly). However, it's essential to be aware of market shifts and adapt as needed to stay relevant.

A great example of this is Burger King. With the growing interest in health and wellness and the population's increasing rejection of fast food, the brand needed to be creative and update itself to keep up with this new lifestyle. Have you noticed how design has become more organic and simplistic, less saturated? Well, it wasn't a simple design choice, but rather a way of showing the brand's new positioning, moving away from the fast food look.

3. You want to expand your company

Having a growing business is not always a sign for a rebrand. But, if your brand identity is tied to a single service or product, it might be beneficial to consider a change to reflect that you now offer a broader range of solutions.

4. You look just like your competitors

You open Instagram to look for a product or service and you realize… all brands look the same.

If you feel this way about YOUR business, then consider a rebrand to set your business apart. Your customers should remember your company as something unique and memorable.

5. Your business is experiencing an acquisition or merger

Acquisitions and mergers are exciting new chapters for a company, but you must be aware of whether the new entity will integrate into your existing brand structure. Your target audience may be confused about it, for example. Is the brand they trust going to change or remain the same? 

A rebrand may help you clarify it, but before you start this process, question yourself: is the target audience remaining the same? Is a name change necessary? Has there been any alteration to the geographic presence? Are there any changes needed for the solutions provided?

Don't forget to prioritize your target audience's needs and expectations.

While these signs offer valuable insights into when your business might require a rebrand, they don't provide the full picture. It's crucial to have a well-defined brand strategy that serves as a guide to determine if your business is aligning with its goals.

If you believe you need a rebrand and could use some help, get in touch! We’d love to help.

© 2024 created with <3 by Anna Ogoshi

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